عملاق التصفح فى الاصدار الاخير Firefox 42
Firefox 42
برنامج موزيلا فايرفوكس Mozilla Firefox يعتبر الافضل في مجال تصفح الانترنت. برنامج Mozilla Firefox سهل الاستخدامه و سرعته الفائقة في تحميل صفحات الانترنت المختلفة مهما كان حجمها و الصور التي بها.
البرنامج يستخدمه الملايين حول العالم بمختلف أعمارهم. برنامج موزيلا فايرفوكس منافس شرس لمتصفحات الانترنت المعروفة مثل جوجل كروم و اوبرا و انترنت اكسبلورر و برنامج سفاري الشهير.
وما زالت الشركة العملاقة موزيلا تطلق العديد من الاصدارات و التحديثات للبرنامج من وقت لاخر. يذكر أن شركة مزيلا تتعاقد مع جوجل بحيث تضع محرك بحث جوجل في صفحة البداية لبرنامج الفايرفوكس.
Mozilla Firefox is a quick, light and clean open source web program. At its open dispatch in 2004 Mozilla Firefox was the first program to challenge Microsoft Internet Explorer's strength.
From that point forward, Mozilla Firefox has reliably highlighted in the main 3 most mainstream programs comprehensively.
The key elements that have made Mozilla Firefox so prominent are the straightforward and powerful UI, program speed and solid security capacities. The program is especially well known with engineers because of its open source improvement and dynamic group of cutting edge clients.
Simpler Browsing
Mozilla put of a ton of assets into making a straightforward yet compelling UI went for making searching speedier and less demanding. They made the tab structure that has been received by most different programs.
As of late Mozilla has likewise centered around simplifying so as to amplify searching zone toolbar controls to only a Firefox catch (which contains settings and choices) and back/forward catches. The URL box elements direct Google looking and additionally an auto foresee/history highlight called Awesome Bar. On the right half of the URL box there are bookmarking, history and invigorate catches.
To one side of the URL box is an inquiry box which permits you to alter your web search tool alternatives. Outside of that a perspective catch controls what you see underneath the URL. Beside that you have the download history and home catches.
Mozilla Firefox brags amazing page burden paces because of the fabulous JagerMonkey motor. Start up velocity and representation rendering are likewise among the fastest in the business sector.
Firefox oversees complex video and web substance utilizing layer-based Direct2D and Driect3D design frameworks. Crash assurance guarantees just the plugin bringing on the issue quits working, not whatever is left of the substance being skimmed. Reloading the page restarts any influenced plugins. The tab framework and Awesome Bar have been streamlined to dispatch/get comes about rapidly as well.
Firefox was the first program to present a private scanning highlight which permits you to utilize the web all the more secretly and safely. History, looks, passwords, downloads, treats and reserved substance are all uprooted on shutdown. Minimizing the possibilities of another client taking your character or finding secret data.
security, hostile to phishing innovation and antivirus/antimalware reconciliation guarantees you're searching knowledge is as protected as could be expected under the circumstances.
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عملاق التصفح فى الاصدار الاخير Firefox 42
Reviewed by Unknown
1:29 ص
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